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March 15- I mentioned to Clint last night that seven years ago he and I were just hanging out writing stupid songs about cows and milkshakes and how unexpected and amazing it is that at the end of it all last night there was a room full of people that knew all the words. It is inexplicably cool to be in a band that really just equates to screwing around and having fun with some of your best friends that has the outcome of people coming to a see us and have the same enthusiasm for the show that we have for playing it.

Last night was amazing. The place was packed. I saw people I hadn't seen in ages that remembered who we were and came out and still knew all the words to the old songs, which is funny cause I sure don't remember the basslines. There were a lot of people there seeing us for the first time which was really nice as well, I hope you all got a CD. The kids that made the ArA shirts, you all did amazing work and it's really flattering you went to all that effort. And thanks to everyone that got up in the group photo with us last night, it was by far the largest group photo we ever had. Scroll down a bit to see a couple of the group shots.

Again, the show last night was an amazing last note for us and I really want to thank The Ambulance Review, The Crypts and 52 Foreign Dumpsters for being a part of it. I want to especially thank Thomas for working up that DvD we gave out last night and Craig for making that show run so smoothly. Oh, and thanks to Holly for making all those cookies.

Our website will still be up for quite some time so make sure you all keep linking your friends to copies of our albums if you think they would enjoy them. Thanks everyone, for all seven years of fun.


And the last picture of ArA, ever!

February 8- Our show last month was brilliant fun!

And this was in the paper the day of the show! Click it to read it!

January 13- Our new album is out!.